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Greetings Club!

The new season is about to start, with the first launch being October 19th and 20th. The waiver for the year has been secured, and things are kicking into high gear for another great flying season. (skip to the bottom for the TL;DR main bullet point!)


Along with the new season also comes membership renewals. As the club has grown in over past few years, some changes were needed to effectively keep track of memberships, dues and an effective way to communicate with the club as a whole. Some of the groundwork for that infrastructure was put into place last year with our new website. The exciting part (for me anyway) is that the membership functions of the site have now gone live. Utilizing the same website software used by Tripoli HQ and many other rocket clubs around the country, we are now able to keep an up-to-date club roster, accept payment and send bulk emails to the membership. We are very excited about these new capabilities and are still finding ways to use this system to its full potential.


So, while you can still write your name and email address on the back of a flight card and hand me a wad of sweaty cash at a launch, PLEASE, I implore you, go fill out the new member section. You can pay by PayPal or credit card, and voila, you’re good for another 12 months. Additionally, if you only like email updates, there is an unpaid "Spectator" membership tier that will ensure you'll be kept up to date on club news and announcements.  


See you in October,


2024/2025 launch schedule!

Hello TRAPHX! Hot off the presses is the 2024/2025 launch schedule. We’ve moved to the third weekend of the month, with the exception of December, which is the second weekend to make room for non-rocketry things like Christmas, Channukah, Kwanza, Tet and Ramadan. And the Prefect’s Birthday celebration. That one is pretty important. But I digress… Anyway, be there and be square.

October 19th and 20th

November 16th and 17th

December 14th and 15th

January 18th and 19th

February 15th and 16th

March 15th and 16th

April 19th and 20th

Tripoli Phoenix, Prefecture #47, or TRAPHX (pronounced "traffics") is a small and casual but dedicated group of high power rocket flyers with a launch site northwest of Phoenix and enjoying a 50,000' FAA Altitude waiver.

The core membership is a group of enthusiastic altitude junkies, and this spirit can be seen in the bulk of the flights at each monthly launch. All sizes and shapes of rockets are represented at each launch from low power Estes rockets to massive and spectacular composite propellant projects, but given our waiver and flying site the bulk of the flights are in the upper end of this spectrum.